what we do...
We provide creative energy solutions
Ecodyne GmbH is a research and development firm located in Berlin, Germany.
Ecodyne GmbH
Research & Development for a cleaner world
We develop proprietary technology to reduce the environmental human footprint. We plan to show progress with prototype and testing on our YouTube channel later in the year. Stay tuned.
Explore Jobs. Energy Innovations
Creating technology in new ways.
Steps of creation
How we work...
Zero to near zero particulate matter emissions.
We are active with discovering solutions to various challenges. Heating, power and transportation. Our goal is to end with successfully tested real-world prototypes. We plan to share the technology not only to residential and commercial users in German, but consider our work important to global users of energy. Virtually every person has energy needs. Our goal is to reduce everyones environmental impact.
R & D
Our Priorities
Clean Energy without harmful emissions
Our processes include removal of fine particle matter and Co2 from the exhausted gases produced by residential and industrial heating applications.
Global warming issues
We are working on viable, cost-effective ways to capture and store Co2 used in residential and industrial applications.